areal wakka
Date | Aug. 2023 |
Site Area | - |
Address | 広島県福山市神辺町川南873-8 |

areal wakkaはリサイクル業を営む、かこがわ商店が地域と取組む共創拠点です。地域との循環がテーマのこの建物は、地元企業ででた廃材を使ったワークショップや地元農業生産者と消費者、表現者と応援者など、様々なヒト、コト、モノをつなぐ場所を目指して計画されました。
Areal Wakka is a co-creation hub operated by Kakogawa Shouten, a business engaged in recycling, working in collaboration with the community. This building, themed around local circulation, is planned to be a place that connects various people, events, and objects, such as workshops utilizing waste materials from local businesses, local agricultural producers and consumers, and artists and their supporters.
The base floor plan is derived from the Kakogawa Shouten's logo. The corporate logo features the infinity symbol (∞) to represent circulation and endlessness, which is directly reflected in the facility's floor plan. As an upcycling facility that imbues new value and regeneration, this concept is interpreted as "passing on what has been received in a better state than before." Thus, instead of a circular circulation, the design is transformed into a form that spirals upward. Materials such as wood, mortar, and soil, which have been used since ancient times, are expressed in a contemporary manner. It is hoped that this place will become a venue where what has been discovered here can be passed on across generations, connecting to the future.